A Garment A Week – I Did It!!!

I am super proud to be able to say I completed my 2016 challenge in making a garment every week of the year.
I even managed more some weeks! I thought I managed to get it all in the collages but I can tell there some missing lol.
It’s been a year of massive up’s and even bigger down’s. My sewing has given me pleasure and solace, something to occupy my hands and head, a sense of accomplishment, a challenge in problem solving, a creative outlet and the challenge gave me something to focus on, something to work towards and sometimes the drive I needed to keep going and pick myself up.
I have learnt so so much in all areas and processes of sewing and designing! It has helped in my understanding of how things go together, how I can manipulate fabric and the best ways not to do things lol. I have learnt I can create any garment if I try hard enough (costumes from a computer game!) and there’s always something to make from the stash of fabric in my garage – which unfortunately hasn’t shrunk much! All garments except the dragon hoodie were made from fabric I already had, have been given or found at second hand shops.
I have taken a few weeks off sewing at home! I’m still sewing at work I will be working out over the next few weeks my next moves – Stitch Remedy will continue on it’s next chapter ….