A Garment A Week – Week 19 – 13/05/16

Winter sports are here!
The weeks are full of games and practices, football, netball and basketball for us. I am quickly realising how few warm casual clothes I have! So this week is a sports inspired long sleeve t-shirt.
I wanted it to be a bit girly – hence the floral fabric across the back shoulders and on the number and stripes.
I also thought a plain Tee is a bit simple. I needed to incorporate something more challenging.
The numbers are appliqued on. Why 14? Well firstly because is a nice number with straight lines, no curves. And it’s Jonny’s football shirt number (aww lol).
I purchased some double sided fusing (my first time using it). After cutting the numbers I needed to fold under the edges because I don’t have a machine that sews zigzag stitches, used in most appliques. Then I pressed them in place and straight stitched around them. I did have to go over twice as my machine doesn’t like knit fabrics (remember the trouble I had with the wrap dress? I didn’t lol). It’s slightly off centre and not quite straight, but hopefully not too noticeable. When I stitched on the stripes on the arms I had to go over three times as the machine kept missing stitches. Luckily it looks ok.
When it came to sewing the blue knit by itself the machine was fine, so the neckline, which is a band of the knit fabric, is stitched nicely. The hem and the sleeve hems are overlocked and turned up. I stitched an extra row around these too, to look like it was coverseamed properly, like knit fabric should be. A coverseam hem stretches with the fabric, whereas my hems will pop if they stretch too much. Luckily I can fix it if I need to! lol
Really comfy and I’ll definitely get use out of it with this autumn weather.
Boots from Amazon – G by Guess Gazila – Black or Pewter
Jeans are RTW by New London
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